5.4 is Here! Training is Accelerated


5.4 is Here! Training is Accelerated

Patch 5.4 has finally been pushed to the “LIVE” servers. This opens up the availability of 5.4 for Pre-alpha through Beta 3 testing groups.

Unfortunately along with this push came full wipes to spirit banks and skill trees on both TEST and LIVE. Artcraft implemented accelerated training by lowering the times required for each node on the skill trees to 1/10th of their normal values. This means that Nodes that took 3 days(Tier 1) before take 7 hours and 12 minutes to complete and only 3 hours and 36 minutes to complete 4 pips.

Note: The 5th pip always takes half of the time for the whole node and that is consistent as the tiers scale up. Each tier changes the total time required by 3 days.

If you are new to Crowfall and just getting going, head over to our Crowfall Resources Directory that will be the home of Jah’s Tyranny Map that many use to find their way around as well as for hunting resources/hunting those that are hunting for resources.

Artcraft has stated that work on Patch 5.5 is well underway and we should see 5.5 hitting test sometime here in February.